‘EXISTANCE EXTANT’ my humble attempt to merge cosmology and consciousness in an ode to our relative reality

Existence Extant


Once merely a shower

Condensed creation unclouded

Hundred thirty seventh’s power

Foaming structure enshrouded


Entropic decision

Magic fractional form

Constructs to precision

Planks of relative norm


Hottest heat from sublime

Cooled now coldest of cold

Gritty sand flows of time

Now forever grow old


Seen seer of sight

Thinker entire from thought

Born conscious in night

Existence from naught


Bubbles of Space-time

Single, multiple, Anthropic

Merging science and rhyme

Finding elusive the topic


Your existence is futile

Fresh mint observers of all

Cosmic awareness so fragile

Amid creation seems small


Yet these children of stardust

On a pale blue dot

For meaning they lust

Quest matter’s why or why not


Philosophical stance

Intellectually derived

Angst, solipsistic dance?

Finally, wisdom arrived



Tim Kiehl  ©2010




Revisiting Ennio Morricone’s “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” 1966 sound track

While John Williams, and before him, Erich Wolfgang Korngold (The Sea Hawks, The Adventures of Robin Hood**, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, and my favorite, Captain Blood) were both undoubtedly brilliant, writing some of the most well-known musical themes in history, Ennio Morricone’s genius blows your mind and sends chills down your spine. While he wrote over 500 musical scores, the complexity and ringing depth of this musical extravaganza showcases his versatile and experimental style.

 As I sit here now, listening to the “The Ecstasy of Gold” I’m still almost literally overcome by those same emotions, the chills and the goose bumps. “The Ecstasy of Gold” became one of Morricone’s best-known compositions. One of my favorites was the haunting, “The Story of A Soldier”, and I sing along;

“Bugles are calling, from prairie to shore, sign up and fall in, and march of to war”, “there in the distance, a flag I can see, scorched and in ribbons, but whose can it be”.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjoXaJUOInU        1,372,728 views!

The crisp wide sound quality of this recording is better than I’ve ever heard. It needs to be listened though your best high fidelity speakers. Fortunately, my computer feeds directly into my Hi Fi stereo amplifiers and four foot speakers, truly the best version I’ve ever heard of this amazing score

As I listen it brings back memories of my early teens, when I would sit in front of the stereo for hours. After my young mind was stimulated by music such as this, I dove straight into the turbulent depths of Shostakovich and Stravinsky, submerging myself in Beethoven’s Violin Concerto In D major, surfacing to breathe Bach’s precise airs and float upon the sparking waves of Mozart’s brilliance, ending up back again diving into the deeply humanistic genius of that demigod, Beethoven, then swirling like a leaf and drifting into the tumbling rapids of jazz!


 ** Korngold later would say the film score of The Adventures of Robin Hood saved his life, as it brought him to Hollywood from his home in Austria just before Hitler’s Anschluss.


Is it wonderful?

Is it wonderful?                 

     It’s a common mistake, yes it is, to add an apostrophe “s” to it in an attempt to make it possessive. It’s an actual impossibility on a keyboard as it becomes ‘s! Thusly it can collide with catastrophic confusion, as it’s* [a] contraction form of it which is more properly it’s its. Its* is the only possessive noun treated this way that I can recall. I myself often make it, the mistaken it’s for its. It’s an error on use of its possessive property exchanged incorrectly for it is and as it’s a rule, spellcheck does seem to handle it well. It’s a delightful change, isn’t it? Or, in its more correct use, is it not?        

     *it’s seemingly an error of the type of its mistaken use discussed herein, however it’s utilized here correctly as it’s exemplified by it’s. Its  versus it’s is neither used as an example of the contraction of it is nor is it an attempt to make it possessive. In its first simple sample sentence it can be used either way, its or it’s, just try it. Get it?

 It’s wonderful!

emergeART ™                                                              T.A.Kiehl©2016                                                                                                                                            



 If a jail bird walks

 And quacks like a duck

 ‘Till all the cows come home

 Close the barn doors shut

 After pigs fly away

 To a place the sun don’t shine


( I’m often accused of mixing metaphors, so here’s a mix of six )

emergeART™              T.A.Kiehl©2016                                                                                                                                                                                           

“THIS LAND” (with apologies to Mr Guthrie, I wanted to share my version with new lyrics for a new age in 2015)


This Land


This land was your land this land was my land

From California to the New York island;

From the clear cut forest to the Gulf Stream oil rigs

This land was “stold” from you and Me.


As I was walking that pot holed highway,

I saw above me that smoke filled skyway:

I saw below me the strip mined valley:

This land was “stold” from you and me.


I’ve roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps

To the crusted sands of over grazed deserts;

And all around me were voices moaning:

This land was “stold” from you and me.


When the sun was shining, and I was strolling,

Past Monsanto cornfields with dust clouds rolling,

I heard a thirsty child’s voice a’chanting:

This land was “stold” from you and me.


As I went on stumblin’ I saw a sign there

And on the sign it said “No Trespassing!”

On the other side armed guards were massing.

That side was “stold” from you and me.


In the shadow of the steeple were racist people,

By the relief office were abandoned people;

As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking

Was this land “stold” from you and me?


Nobody living can ever stop me,

As I go walking that freedom highway;

Nobody living can ever make me turn back

This land WAS made for you and me.

emergeART ™                                                                                                                                                                                                         T.A.Kiehl©2015

*STOLD – slang: taken, removed without permission, as in; “Mick Jagger Stold My Swagger”


Only Through Love

Only Through Love


Constrained by our lonely isolation

Caged in distant flickering points of light

Desperate in a vast wasteland of darkness

Separated by the chasm of communication


Perceiving only dimly the other prisoners

Scattered candles of their bright consciousness

Cruel distance hiding needs of our humanity

Across a gulf filled with loneliness and tears


Only through love we bridge this awesome gap

Crossing fearfully over the deepest abyss

Basking in the warmth of a living flame

Feeling its warm caress, briefly in the night


Gentle touch, the ephemeral kiss …of love


March 2013                                                                                               Tim Kiehl

Socratic Cynic’s Dilemma – a poem


Republican’s spread

Their non-publican rant

While Democrat’s motto

Remains “No, we can’t”


Petty thievery punished

for malfeasance reward

While citizen corporations

put real men to the sword


Greenpeace wages war

with military precision

They fight the good fight

faced with only derision


Modern genes we carve

Strains original, unknown

Should the bulk of us starve

fear to reap what we’ve sown?


Organized religion

with its tax free status

Should be held in derision

if we think they won’t have us


Liberate Libertarians

From their naive sophistry

Selfish rationalizations

are not new, nor a mystery


Innocents and foe

Fear an unknown above

Is the shadow so low

from a drone or a dove?


To dehumanize others

and achieve selfish goals

Is a course not well charted

through dangerous shoals


Liberals dreamingly wander

doomed to bungle along

While the Reaganites swarm

God could never be wrong


Political oaths

twisted now hypocritical

Do nothing but harm

with a patient grown cynical


2010 (revised 2013,2016)

emergeART ™                                    T.A.Kiehl©2016 

Young Cap’n Tim’s T-Cart

 A short video of my first airplane, a 1940 Taylorcraft BC-65 after a nine month restoration project. The original 8mm movie filmed in 1979 was digitized and edited.


PS: this is the same year and model as my latest aircraft, and no I’m not in midlife crisis trying to relive the past …REALLY. (although I don’t know if my much larger and older arthritic body will fit in this small cockpit as well as when I was 27 and weighed only 145 lbs.)

YouTube – Cap’n Tim’s T-Cart (airplayn)

pastafarianism – smoking gun on intelligent design in creation

"smoking gun" of intelligent design by FSM

After visiting this website: 


(click on the image to visit it yourself …and be CHANGED!!)     Wink

…and after considering the photograph
that has been attached below as evidence and incontrovertible proof that the hand of a cosmic designer must have been involved in creating our most basic components (such as the DNA pictured here), I am seriously Sarcastic considering becoming ordained as a minister in the
Pastafarian* Church.

All hail to his noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster*  in all his glory, Amen.

* FSM or "Flying Spaghetti Monster" and the "Pastafarian" church are both parts of a farcical religion created
by students at Stanford University as a parody. (When they weren’t at a
frat party getting plastered, obviously! LOL)
. Since it’s inception it
has spread widely among skeptical inquirers, freethinkers and "techy"

When I was an engineer in the microelectronics industry I even saw it’s likeness     etched microscopically into the
silicon of a microchip used to make computer circuits!!

August 2008 UPDATE: here’s the link to a recent "sore thumb" comic about the Flying Spaghetti Monster".


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